Ein Kernsatz aus einem der nachfolgenden Beiträge:
[And like a broken record, we, the defenders of Israel, must continually state the facts aloud to anyone who will still listen: …]
- RND: Mit dem Titelthema
[Eilmeldungen in den Medien und Hasstiraden auf Social Networks lassen Israel hässlicher aussehen denn je. Im Gazakrieg entstand das Bild eines Landes, dessen Premier sofort verhaftet werden muss, das gegen richterliche Anweisungen Krieg führt und sogar Flüchtlingslager ins Visier nimmt. Die Wahrheit ist in allen drei Punkten komplizierter.] - FAZ: Sie wollen sieben Millionen Israelis aus ihrer Heimat werfen
[Antisemitisch oder israelkritisch? Ein Nachmittagsspaziergang zum Palästina-Camp an der Frankfurter Goethe-Universität.] - The Times of Israel: The rush to think the worst of Israel… again
[The world’s eagerness to blame Israel for civilian deaths in the Rafah fire – facts be damned – is just par for the course] - The Jerusalem Post: The four stages of Hamas’s psychological warfare – analysis
[Recent propaganda videos featuring Israeli hostages, including Sasha Trupanov, and false claims of abducted soldiers, underscore a brutal strategy to attack Israel through fear and manipulation.] - The Times of Israel: IDF says hidden store of terror munitions may have caused deadly Rafah blaze
[Military probing if stockpile of weapons, other combustibles, caused secondary blasts leading to dozens of deaths, says airstrike was almost a mile from designated Gaza safe zone.] - The Times of Israel: The cruelty and cunning of hostage-taking
[The longer Hamas holds onto the captives, the deeper the divisions within Israel grow and the less the world cares about their plight.] - Y-Net: ‚I am 8 years old, I am a Hamas hostage‘ – IDF finds video of child hostage in Gaza
[During Gaza operation, troops find video and photos of Ella and Dafna Elyakim, taken from father’s home on October 7 after he was murdered along with his partner and her son, later released in hostage deal.] - The Jerusalem Post: Hamas denies patients treatment, Gazans don’t support them, foreign volunteer doctor reveals
[Dr. Baxtiyar Baram, who volunteered in northern Gaza says only 10% of people back Hamas, but the group continues to have control.]